About Us
The Department of Marine Convergence Engineering seeks to understand and utilize the ocean through cutting-edge technology.
Concerns about global environmental changes such as climate change and marine pollution are deepening. In the 21st century, Korea recognizes the need to strengthen maritime defense capabilities for national security and to secure and manage marine energy resources as essential tasks for enhancing national growth potential. In order to proactively respond to the need to solve these global or national problems, the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering is fostering professionals who will play a central role in the new marine era through convergent education and research in the fields of (1) marine diagnosis and exploration engineering, (2) marine ecology and marine/fishery biotechnology, (3) marine environment and climate change, and (4) marine resource and energy utilization technology that combine basic marine science and technology with the latest applied technologies.
The Department of Ocean Fusion started as the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences in 1984 and has grown steadily over the past 40 years, reflecting the rapidly changing needs of the times and advances in ocean science technology.
ERICA has been recognised for its excellence in undergraduate and graduate science and engineering departments, ranking first for undergraduates (four times) and first for graduate students (five years in a row) in the competitiveness assessment of undergraduate and graduate departments, and has been supporting students and contributing to the field through the BK21 project (approximately 5 billion won over seven years) since 2020.
In addition, many of our outstanding graduates are working as professional oceanographers in a variety of marine-related fields, bringing honour to the department in their respective positions.
The Department of Ocean Convergence Engineering will continue to do its best to foster talented people who will lead innovation in marine science and technology.
It will play a key role in the era of innovative marine development. “Creative Professionals” positivity
Faculty and Education System
Faculty with the best research competitiveness
Marine ecosystem
Improving the ability to diagnose, predict, and improve marine ecosystem changes due to climate and environmental changes
- Professor Hyun Jeong-ho
- Professor Ok Jin-hee
Marine environment
Climate and marine environment diagnostic capabilities, understanding of marine environmental pollution tracking techniques, and understanding of carbon cycle and organic biogeochemistry
- Professor Shin Kyung-hoon
- Professor Moon Hyo-bang
Marine Engineering - Exploration - Disaster Prevention
Developing marine engineering expertise, critical thinking skills and creativity
- Professor Shin Sung-won
- Professor Ji-Woong Choi (JA)
Climate Diagnosis - Modeling
Computer programming skills, accurate analysis of climate-meteorological data, and a sound understanding of basic epidemiology.
- Professor Yeom Sang-wook
- Professor Park Hyo-seok
In the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering, you can study with renowned professors in four major fields: marine ecosystem, marine environment, marine engineering-exploration-disaster prevention, and climate diagnosis-modeling. We provide a rich learning experience that combines basic theories with cutting-edge research, and provide high-level education based on the expertise of professors recognized domestically and internationally. Based on four specialized curricula, we foster professional talents who are skilled in both theory and practice. In addition to establishing a solid knowledge base through specialized theory classes, we provide various opportunities to gain field experience through practical training using cutting-edge equipment.
IC-PBL stands for Industry-Coupled Problem-Based Learning, and is an educational model that enables learners to solve real-world problems that arise in the field through collaboration between industry, society, and universities.
- Exploring industry sites that match the class content
- Developing IC-PBL class scenarios by receiving actual task topics from industry
- Provide learners with industry-related materials related to the issue
- Learner Interim Report Reviewed by Industry Representative
- Feedback and evaluation on learner final reports
- Adopt and utilize student ideas that can be used within the industry
The Department of Marine Convergence Engineering is conducting education based on IC-PBL, a practice-oriented education model that was first introduced at Hanyang University ERICA Campus. This education model emphasizes the proactive participation of students and provides practical learning experiences through cooperation with various government agencies and industries. Through this process, the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering supports students to grow into talents with problem-solving skills and creative and convergent thinking.
Marine Convergence and Achievements
Excellence of the Department
Operation of various affiliated research institutes within the department, staffed by excellent researchers
Awarded as a single department for the BK21 project of the National Research Foundation of Korea
Securing KRW 730 million in support annually until August 2027
Hanyang University ERICA Undergraduate Evaluation, Marine Convergence Engineering Department Ranked 1st Most Comprehensively (4 Times) Since 2017
Since the start of the evaluation of Hanyang University ERICA Graduate School, the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering has ranked first overall for five consecutive years (2019-2023)
Many civil servants, researchers at government agencies, university professors, and employees of defense/maritime environment/medical industries have advanced into the workforce.
Many people passed the 5th level of the National Technical Examination (Marine and Fisheries)
Higher education personnel training project
Education Vision
- Vision: To foster global-level convergence and integration experts leading the field of earth and ocean sciences.
- Goals to achieve the vision
- Training of professional personnel for diagnosing and predicting climate change factors
- Nurturing convergence and multi-functional talents to solve marine ecological environmental problems
- Training of experts for management of hazardous substances entering the ocean
- Training of marine observation technology experts
Research Vision
- Vision: Achieving Global Top 20 Research Team in Marine Convergence Science and Technology
- Strategies to Achieve the Vision
- Establishment of marine convergence science infrastructure specialized in climate and marine ecological environment change research
- Securing international competitiveness through expansion of global research network
- Leading research in advanced convergence and complex marine science and technology
BK21 is a higher education human resource development program that intensively supports master's and doctoral students and new researchers (postdoctoral researchers and contract professors) to foster world-class graduate schools and cultivate excellent research personnel. Since 2013, the Department of Marine Convergence Engineering has successfully won the BK21 program as a single department with the support of the National Research Foundation of Korea, thereby proving the research competitiveness of the graduate school. Through this program, continuous support is provided for graduate students' research and education, and KRW 730 million in support funds have been secured annually until August 2027.