학력 및 경력
- 전공 : 연안/해양공학, 해양탐사공학, 해양에너지
- 1993 한양대 이학사
- 1995 한양대 이학석사
- 2005 Oregon State University 공학박사
- 경력 : 미국 Oregon State Univ. Wave Research Lab. 전임연구원 (2005~2011)
주요 연구 분야
- 연안 표사이동(sediment transport), 해안 침식
- 항만 구조물(coastal structures) 설계 및 안정성
- 해양 에너지(marine renewable energy, 파력발전)
- 수리모형실험(physical modeling), 수치모형실험(numerical modeling)
대표 연구업적 (논문)
- Dang, H. V., Park, H., Shin, S., Ha, T., Cox, D. T. (2024). Numerical modeling and assessment of flood mitigation structures in idealized coastal communities: OpenFOAM simulations for hydrodynamics and pressures on the buildings. Ocean Engineering, 307, 118147.
- Lee, E., Dang, H. V, Shin, S., Yoo, J., Park, H. (2024). Observations of wave run-up affected by dune scarp during storm conditions: a two dimensional large-scaled movable bed experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1369418.
- Dang, H. V., Lee, E., Ahn, S. H., Kim, K. O., Shin, S., Ha, T. (2023). Development of the global tsunami forecasting system considering the dynamic interaction of tide-tsunami around the Korean Peninsula. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1258552
- Alam, M. S., Barbosa, A. R., Mugabo, I., Cox, D. T., Park, H., Lee, D., Shin, S. (2023). Elevated light-frame wood residential building physical and numerical modeling of damage due to hurricane overland surge and waves. Engineering Structures, 294, 116774.
- Dang, V. H., Park, H., Shin, S., Tomiczek, T., Cox, D. T., Lee, E., Lee, D., Lomonaco, P. (2023). Physical model comparison of gray and green mitigation alternatives for flooding and wave force reduction in an idealized urban coastal environment. Coastal Engineering, 184,104339.
- Lee, D., Park, H., Ha, T., Shin, S., Cox, D., (2022). Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics on an elevated residential structure from varied wave and surge conditions using OpenFOAM. Coastal Engineering, 178, 104204.
- Jin, H.; Do, K.; Shin, S.; Cox, D., (2021). Process-Based Model Prediction of Coastal Dune Erosion through Parametric Calibration. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (6), 635.
- Kim, S.-K.; Lee, E.; Park, J.; Shin, S., (2021). Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards. Remote Sensing, 13 (5), 976. 9.
- Park, H.; Koh, M.-J.; Cox, D. T.; Alam, M. S.; Shin, S., (2021). Experimental study of debris transport driven by a tsunami-like wave: Application for non-uniform density groups and obstacles. Coastal Engineering, 103867.
주요 강의 과목
- 연안방재공학
- 조석파랑공학
- 연안해양공학실무
- 해양유체역학
수상 경력
- International Conference on Aquatic Science & Technology: Best Presentation Award (2020)
- 한국연안방재학회 학술발표회 논문상 (2020)
- 한국연안방재학회 우수논문상 (2021)