Department of Marine Science and Convergence Engineering



Sungwon Shin
제1과학기술관 5층 525호

학력 및 경력

  • 전공 : 연안/해양공학, 해양탐사공학, 해양에너지
  • 1993 한양대 이학사
  • 1995 한양대 이학석사
  • 2005 Oregon State University 공학박사
  • 경력 : 미국 Oregon State Univ. Wave Research Lab. 전임연구원 (2005~2011)

주요 연구 분야

  1. 연안 표사이동(sediment transport), 해안 침식
  2. 항만 구조물(coastal structures) 설계 및 안정성
  3. 해양 에너지(marine renewable energy, 파력발전)
  4. 수리모형실험(physical modeling), 수치모형실험(numerical modeling)

대표 연구업적 (논문)

  1. Dang, H. V., Park, H., Shin, S., Ha, T., Cox, D. T. (2024). Numerical modeling and assessment of flood mitigation structures in idealized coastal communities: OpenFOAM simulations for hydrodynamics and pressures on the buildings. Ocean Engineering, 307, 118147.
  2. Lee, E., Dang, H. V, Shin, S., Yoo, J., Park, H. (2024). Observations of wave run-up affected by dune scarp during storm conditions: a two dimensional large-scaled movable bed experiment. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1369418.
  3. Dang, H. V., Lee, E., Ahn, S. H., Kim, K. O., Shin, S.,  Ha, T. (2023). Development of the global tsunami forecasting system considering the dynamic interaction of tide-tsunami around the Korean Peninsula. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1258552
  4. Alam, M. S., Barbosa, A. R., Mugabo, I., Cox, D. T., Park, H., Lee, D., Shin, S. (2023). Elevated light-frame wood residential building physical and numerical modeling of damage due to hurricane overland surge and waves. Engineering Structures, 294, 116774.
  5. Dang, V. H., Park, H., Shin, S., Tomiczek, T., Cox, D. T., Lee, E., Lee, D., Lomonaco, P. (2023). Physical model comparison of gray and green mitigation alternatives for flooding and wave force reduction in an idealized urban coastal environment. Coastal Engineering, 184,104339.
  6. Lee, D., Park, H., Ha, T., Shin, S., Cox, D., (2022). Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics on an elevated residential structure from varied wave and surge conditions using OpenFOAM. Coastal Engineering, 178, 104204.
  7. Jin, H.;  Do, K.;  Shin, S.; Cox, D., (2021). Process-Based Model Prediction of Coastal Dune Erosion through Parametric Calibration. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (6), 635.
  8. Kim, S.-K.;  Lee, E.;  Park, J.; Shin, S., (2021). Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards. Remote Sensing, 13 (5), 976.
  9. Park, H.;  Koh, M.-J.;  Cox, D. T.;  Alam, M. S.; Shin, S., (2021). Experimental study of debris transport driven by a tsunami-like wave: Application for non-uniform density groups and obstacles. Coastal Engineering, 103867.

주요 강의 과목

  1. 연안방재공학
  2. 조석파랑공학
  3. 연안해양공학실무
  4. 해양유체역학

수상 경력

  • International Conference on Aquatic Science & Technology: Best Presentation Award (2020)
  • 한국연안방재학회 학술발표회 논문상 (2020)
  • 한국연안방재학회 우수논문상 (2021)
경기도 안산시 상록구 한양대학로 55 제2과학기술관 1층 103호
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