Department of Marine Science and Convergence Engineering



Kyung-Hoon Shin
제1과학기술관 2층 235호

학력 및 경력

  • 전공 : 동위원소 환경생지화학
  • 1988 한양대 이학사
  • 1990 한양대 이학석사
  • 1994 일본 Nagoya Univ. 이학석사
  • 1999 일본 Hokkaido Univ. 지구환경과학 박사
  • 경력 : 일본 해양과학기술개발센타/지구프론티어연구시스템
  • 경력 : 미국 알래스카대학 국제북극권연구센타

주요 연구 분야

  1. 동위원소 생태환경진단 기법 개발 및 활용
  2. 유기생지화학 및 생물지구공학

대표 연구업적 (논문)

  1. Seung-Hee Kim, Min-Seob Kim, Dong-Hun Lee, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2024), Impact of typhoons on anthropogenic nitrogen sources in Lake Sihwa, South Korea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, 116324.
  2. Dokyun Kim, Eun-Ji Won, Ha-Eun Cho, Jonghyun Lee, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2023), New insight into biomagnification factor of mercury based on food web structure using stable isotopes of amino acids, Water Research, 245, 120591.
  3. Seung-Hee Kim a, Dong-Hun Lee b,c, Min-Seob Kim d, Han-Pil Rhee e, Jin Hurf,Kyung-Hoon Shin a,*, (2023). Systematic tracing of nitrate sources in a complex river catchment: An integrated approach using stable isotopes and hydrological models, Water Research, 235, 119755.
  4. Bohyung Choi, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2021). Determination of precise nitrogen stable isotopic baselines from heterotrophic organism in coastal ocean environments using compound specific isotope analysis of amino acids. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 171, 112777.
  5. Dong-Hun Lee, Seung-Hee Kim, Eun-Ji Won, Min-Seob Kim, Jin Hur, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2021). Integrated approach for quantitative estimation of particulate organic carbon sources in a complex river system. Water Research, 199, 117194.
  6. Hyuntae Choi, Haemin Won, Jee-Hoon Kim, Eun Jin Yang, Kyoung-Ho Cho, Youngju Lee, Sung-Ho Kang, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2021). Trophic dynamics of Calanus hyperboreus in the Pacific Arctic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(3), e2020JC017063.
  7. Sujin Kang, Jung-Hyun Kim, Ji Hwan Hwang, Yeon Sik Bong, Jong-Sik Ryu, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2020). Seasonal contrast of particulate organic carbon (POC) characteristics in the Geum and Seomjin estuary systems (South Korea) revealed by carbon isotope (δ13C and Δ14C) analyses. Water Research, 187, 116442.
  8. Dokyun Kim, Seongjin Hong, Hyuntae Choi, Bohyung Choi, Jaeseong Kim, Jong Seong Khim, Hodong Park, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2019), Multimedia distributions, bioaccumulation, and trophic transfer of microcystins in the Geum River Estuary, Korea: Application of compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids. Environment International, 133, 105194.
  9. Jong-Ju Gal, Jung-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2018), Distribution of long chain alkyl diols along a south-north transect of the northwestern Pacific region: Insights into a paleo sea surface nutrient proxy, Organic Geochemistry, 119, 80-90.
  10. Bohyung Choi, Sun-Yong Ha, Jae Seong Lee, Yoshito Chikaraichi, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Kyung-Hoon Shin, (2017), Trophic interaction among organisms in a seagrass meadow ecosystem as revealed by bulk delta13C and amino acids delta15N analyses, Limnology and Oceanography, 62, 1426-1435.

주요 강의 과목

  1. 화학해양학 및 실험
  2. 해양생물지구화학
  3. 동위원소 생태환경진단

수상 경력

  • 2012. 한국물학술단체연합회 학술상
  • 2012. 한국하천호수학회 학술상
  • 2012. 한국과학기술총연합회 제22회 과학기술 우수 논문상
  • 2013. 한양대학교 강의 우수 교수
  • 2015. 한양대학교 HYU 학술상 (연구 석학교수)
  • 2015. 제8회 여천생태학상
  • 2018. 한양대학교 우수연구자상 (최고 피인용 부문)
  • 2023. 한양대학교 우수교원상 (국제 논문 부문)
  • 2024. 한양대학교 우수교원상 (산학 협력 부문)
경기도 안산시 상록구 한양대학로 55 제2과학기술관 1층 103호
(031) 400 5456
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