학력 및 경력
- 전공 : 환경분석화학, 환경독성학
- 1997 부경대학교 대기과학과 이학사
- 1999 부경대학교 환경대기과학과 이학석사
- 2003 부경대학교 지구환경과학부 이학박사
- 경력 : 미국 뉴욕주보건연구원/뉴욕주립대 방문과학자(2005~2006)
주요 연구 분야
- 잔류성유기오염물질(POPs) 다매체 거동 평가
- 야생동물을 이용한 바이오모니터링 기법 개발
- 첨단분석장비를 이용한 비표적스크리닝 분석기법 개발
- 내분비계장애물질(EDCs) 다매체·다경로 인체 노출평가
대표 연구업적 (논문)
- Y. Jeong, S. Mok, K.J. Park, H.-B. Moon (2024) Accumulation features and temporal trends (2002–2015) for legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in finless porpoises bycaught off Korean coasts. Environmental Pollution 349, 123925
- Y. Kang, S. Lee, W. Chen, H.-B. Moon (2024) Factors determining contamination and time trends in cyclic and linear siloxanes in sediments from an industrialized lake in Korea. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 269, 115817
- S. Mok, S. Lee, Y. Choi, J. Jeon, Y.H. Kim, H.-B. Moon (2023) Target and non-target analyses of neutral per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from fluorochemical industries using GC-MS/MS and GC-TOF: Insights on their environmental fate. Environment International 182, 108311
- J.-E. Lim, C. Liao, H.-B. Moon (2023) Occurrence and exposure assessment of bisphenol analogues through different types of drinking water in Korea. Exposure and Health 15, 185–197
- W. Chen, Y.-J. Kang, H.-K. Lee, M. Lee, H.-B. Moon (2022) Nationwide monitoring of cyclic and linear siloxanes in sediment and bivalves from Korean coastal waters: Occurrence, geographical distribution, and bioaccumulation potential. Marine Pollution Bulletin 185, 114201
- S. Mok, J.-E. Lim, A. Lee, S. Kim, S. Kim, I. Lee, Y. Kho, J. Park, S. Kim, K. Choi, H.-B. Moon (2022) Within- and between-person variability of urinary phthalate metabolites and bisphenol analogues over seven days: Considerations of biomonitoring study design. Environmental Research 209, 112885
- H.-H. Lee, S. Lee, J.S. Lee, H.-B. Moon (2021) Distribution of polychlorinated naphthalenes in sediment from industrialized coastal waters of Korea with the optimized cleanup and GC-MS/MS methods. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 754278
- K. Park, M. Barghi, J.-E. Lim, H.-M., Ko, H.-Y. Nam, S.-I. Lee, H.-B. Moon (2021) Assessment of regional and temporal trends in per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using the Oriental magpie (Pica serica) in Korea. Science of the Total Environment 793, 148513
- H.-K. Lee, S. Lee, J.-E. Lim, H.-B. Moon (2020) Legacy and novel flame retardants in water and sediment from highly industrialized bays of Korea: Occurrence, source tracking, decadal time trend, and ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin 160, 111639
- Y. Jeong, Y. Lee, K.J. Park, Y.-R. An, H.-B. Moon (2020) Accumulation and time trends (2003–2015) of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in blubber of finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis) from Korean coastal waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 385, 121598
- S. Lee, K. Kim, J. Jeon, H.-B. Moon (2019) Optimization of suspect and non-target analytical methods using GC/TOF for prioritization of emerging contaminants in the Arctic environment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 181, 11–17
- Y. Jeong, J. Xue, K.J. Park, K. Kannan, H.-B. Moon (2019) Tissue-specific accumulation and body burden of parabens and their metabolites in small cetaceans. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 475–481
주요 강의 과목
- 해양환경화학
- 해양환경독성학
- 생태계위해성평가론
수상 경력
- 2024년, 2023 World Top 2% Scientist
- 2022년, 2021 한양대 연구우수교수
- 2021년, 제3회 써모피셔 환경분석상
- 2020년, 물환경단체연합회 학술상