학력 및 경력
- 전공: 해양환경생물학
- 2005 한양대학교 이학사
- 2012 한양대학교 이학박사
- 경력: 한국해양과학기술원 연수연구원(2015-2017)
주요 연구 분야
- 생태계 구조내 유해물질 거동
- 유해물질 생물 영향 평가
- 동위원소 생태학
- 동위원소 생리학
대표 연구업적 (논문)
- Kim, D., Won, E.-J., Cho, H.-E., Lee, J., Shin, K.-H. New insight into biomagnification factor of mercury based on food web structure using stable isotopes of amino acids. 2023: Water Research, 245, 120591
- Won, E.-J., Byeon, E., Lee, Y.H., Jeong, H., Lee, Y., Kim, M.-S., Jo, H.-W., Moon, J.-K., Wang, M., Lee, J.-S., Shin, K.-H. 2022: Molecular evidence for suppression of swimming behavior and reproduction in the estuarine rotifer Brachionus koreanus in response to COVID-19 disinfectants. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 175, 113396
- Won, E.-J., Kim, S.H., Go, Y.-S., Kumar, K.S., Kim, M.-S., Yoon, S.-H., Bayon, G., Kim, J.-H., Shin, K.-H. 2021: A multi-elements isotope approach to assess the geographic provenance of manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) via recombining appropriate elements. Foods, 10 (3), 646
- Won, E.-J., Kim, D., Yoo, J.-W., In, S., Shin, K.-H., Lee, Y.-M. 2021: Oxidative stress responses in brackish water flea exposed to microcystin-LR and algal bloom waters from Nakdong River, Republic of Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 162,111868
- Yoo, J.-W., Cho, H., Lee, K.-W., Won, E.-J.*, Lee, Y.-M. 2021: Combined effects of heavy metals (Cd, As, and Pb): Comparative study using conceptual models and the antioxidant responses in the brackish water flea. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part – C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 239,108863
- In, S., Cho, H., Lee, K.-W., Won, E.-J.*, Lee, Y.-M. 2020: Cloning and molecular characterization of estrogen-related receptor (ERR) and vitellogenin genes in the brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis exposed to bisphenol A and its structural analogues. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154,111063
- Won, E.-J., Choi, B., Lee, C.H., Hong, S., Lee, J.-H., Shin, K.-H. 2020: Variability of trophic magnification factors as an effect of estimated trophic position: Application of compound-specific nitrogen isotope analysis of amino acids. Environment International, 135,105361
- Gang, Y., Won, E.-J.*, Ra, K., Choi, J.Y., Lee, K.-W., Kim, K. 2018: Environmental assessment of contaminated marine sediments treated with solidification agents: Directions for improving environmental assessment guidelines. Marine Environmental Research, 139, pp. 193-200
- Won, E.-J., Choi, B., Hong, S., Khim, J.S., Shin, K.-H. 2018: Importance of accurate trophic level determination by nitrogen isotope of amino acids for trophic magnification studies: A review. Environmental Pollution, 238, pp. 677-690.
- Won, E.-J., Lee, Y., Gang, Y., Kim, M.-S., Kim, C.J., Kim, H.-E., Lee, K.-W., Chung, C.-S., Kim, K., Lee, J.-S., Shin, K.-H. 2018: Chronic adverse effects of oil dispersed sediments on growth, hatching, and reproduction of benthic copepods: Indirect exposure for long-term testsMarine Environmental Research, 137, pp. 225-233.
주요 강의 과목
- 화학해양학 및 실험
- 해양환경분석화학 및 실습
수상 경력
- 2020 사단법인 한국독성보건학회 젊은 과학자상
- 2018 한국해양과학기술원 표창장
- 2014 한국여성과학기술인총연합회 미래인재상
- 2012 사단법인한국해양학회 박사학위과정 우수논문상