학력 및 경력
- 전공: 생물해양학, 부유생물생태학
- 2015 이화여자대학교 문학사
- 2022 서울대학교 이학박사
주요 연구 분야
- 해양생태계 내 플랑크톤 군집 구조 규명
- 해양 플랑크톤 신종 발굴
- 해양 플랑크톤 대번성 기작 규명과 예측
- 환경변화(기후변화 등)에 따른 해양 플랑크톤의 반응 규명
- 해양 플랑크톤 대량배양기술 및 유용물질 개발
대표 연구업적 (논문)
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., You, J. H., Park, S. A., Kang, H. C., Eom, S. H., Lee, M. J., & Rho, J. R. (2024). Interactions between the calanoid copepod Acartia hongi and the bloom-forming dinoflagellates Karenia bicuneiformis and K. selliformis. Marine Biology, 171(5), 112.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Kang, H. C., You, J. H., Park, S. A., Eom, S. H., Kang, J. K., & Yoo, Y. D. (2023). Protists in hypoxic waters of Jinhae Bay and Masan Bay, Korea, based on metabarcoding analyses: emphasizing surviving dinoflagellates. Algae, 38(4), 265-281.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lee, K. H., Kang, H. C., You, J. H., Park, S. A., Eom, S. H., & Seong, K. A. (2023). Density-dependent inhibition among four major dinoflagellate species causing red tides in Korean waters. Marine Biology, 170(12), 170.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lim, A. S., You, J. H., Yoo, Y. D., Kang, H. C., Park, S. A., Lee, M. J., & Eom, S. H. (2023). Effects of intrusion and retreat of deep cold waters on the causative species of red tides offshore in the South Sea of Korea. Marine Biology, 170(1), 6.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Kang, H. C., Park, S. A., Eom, S. H., You, J. H., & Lee, S. Y. (2021). Ecophysiology of the kleptoplastidic dinoflagellate Shimiella gracilenta: I. spatiotemporal distribution in Korean coastal waters and growth and ingestion rates. Algae, 36(4), 263-283.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., You, J. H., Kang, H. C., Park, S. A., Lim, A. S., Lee, S. Y., & Eom, S. H. (2021). Phytoplankton bloom dynamics in incubated natural seawater: predicting bloom magnitude and timing. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 681252.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lee, S. Y., Park, S. A., & Noh, J. H. (2021). Shimiella gen. nov. and Shimiella gracilenta sp. nov.(Dinophyceae, Kareniaceae), a kleptoplastidic dinoflagellate from Korean waters and its survival under starvation. Journal of Phycology, 57(1), 70-91.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lim, A. S., You, J. H., Kang, H. C., Kim, S. J., & Lee, S. Y. (2019). Effects of light and temperature on the growth of Takayama helix (Dinophyceae): mixotrophy as a survival strategy against photoinhibition. Journal of phycology, 55(5), 1181-1195.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lim, A. S., Lee, S. Y., & Kim, S. J. (2018). Feeding by the heterotrophic nanoflagellate Katablepharis remigera on algal prey and its nationwide distribution in Korea. Harmful Algae, 74, 30-45.
- Ok, J. H., Jeong, H. J., Lim, A. S., & Lee, K. H. (2017). Interactions between the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Takayama helix and common heterotrophic protists. Harmful Algae, 68, 178-191.
주요 강의 과목
- 해양부유생물생태학
- 해양수산바이오공학
- 해양환경생태학
- 해양생태학특론
수상 경력
- 미래인재상 (한국조류학회, 대한민국) (2023년 11월)
- Most Top Cited Article 2021-2022 (Journal of Phycology, USA) (2023년 2월)