Department of Marine Science and Convergence Engineering



Hee Young Yun
제1과학기술관 328호

학력 및 경력

  • 전공: 해양저서생태학
  • 2002 성균관대학교 이학사
  • 2002 성균관대학교 이학석사
  • 2011 독일 브레맨대학교 이학박사
  • 경력: 알래스카대학교 원주민건강연구센터 박사후연구원 (2015-2018)

주요 연구 분야

  1. 해양저서생물학
  2. 동위원소생태학

대표 연구업적 (논문)

  1. Yun HY, Kim S, Choi H, Kim J, Park SR, Shin KH (2024) Essential amino acid carbon isotope ratios as indicators of marine macrophyte response to environmental variation. Frontiers in marine Science. 11, 1368801.
  2. Yun HY, Kim IS, Shin KH (2024) Compound-specific isotope analysis provides direct evidence for identifying the source of residual pesticides diazinon and procymidone in the soil-plant system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 72,11980–11989.
  3. Choy K, Yun HY, Fuller BT, Mannino MA (2024) Enhanced dietary reconstruction of Korean prehistoric populations by combining δ13C and δ15N amino acids of bone collagen. PLOS ONE 19: e0300068.
  4. Yun HY, Won EJ, Choi J, Cho Y, Lim DJ, Kim IS, Shin KH (2022) Stable Isotope Analysis of Residual Pesticides via High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Elemental Analyzer–Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Molecules 27: 8587
  5. Kim MJ, Yun HY, Shin KH, Kim JH (2022) Evaluation of Food Web Structure and Complexity in the Process of Kelp Bed Recovery Using Stable Isotope Analysis. Frontiers in marine science. 9:885676
  6. Yun HY, Larsen T, Choi BH, Won EJ, Shin KH (2022) Amino acid nitrogen and carbon isotope data: Potential and implications for ecological studies. Ecology and Evolution 12:1-15

주요 강의 과목

  1. 해양환경분석화학 및 실습

수상 경력

  • 2023 동아시아생태학회 우수포스터상
  • 2023 국제응용생명과학회 우수포스터상
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